Black Experience 2024
by Black Mel CrossFit Studio | Cuautitlán Izcalli, EdoMex | Sáb 7 dic 2024 - Dom 8 dic 2024Workouts
NOVATOS -Timecap 5:30 min
M:15 lbs
W:10 lbs
For time:
30 SUs
21 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
15 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
9 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
9 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
15 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
21 One arm shouder to over head
CASH-OUT- Timecap 1:30 min
30 Mts Lungees
Principiantes & Master Scaled -Timecap 5:30 min
M:25 lbs
W:15 lbs
For time:
30 SUs
21 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
15 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
9 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
9 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 SUs
15 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 SUs
21 One arm dumbell power snatch
CASH-OUT- Timecap 1:30 min
30 Mts Lungees
Scaled -Timecap 5:30 min
M:35 lbs
W:25 lbs
For time:
30 SUs
21 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
15 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
9 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
9 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 SUs
15 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 SUs
21 One arm dumbell power snatch
CASH-OUT- Timecap 1:30 min
30 Mts Lungees
Teens (13 a 15 años) -Timecap 5:30 min
M:25 lbs
W:15 lbs
For time:
30 SUs
21 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
15 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
9 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
9 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 SUs
15 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 SUs
21 One arm dumbell power snatch
CASH-OUT- Timecap 1:30 min
30 Mts Lungees
Teens (16 a 18 años) -Timecap 5:30 min
M:25 lbs
W:15 lbs
For time:
30 DUs
21 One arm shouder to over head
30 DUs
15 One arm shouder to over head
30 DUs
9 One arm shouder to over head
30 SUs
9 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 DUs
15 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 DUs
21 One arm dumbell power snatch
CASH-OUT- Timecap 1:30 min
30 Mts Lungees
Intermedio -Timecap 5:30 min
M:35 lbs
W:25 lbs
For time:
30 DUs
21 One arm shouder to over head
30 DUs
15 One arm shouder to over head
30 DUs
9 One arm shouder to over head
30 DUs
9 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 DUs
15 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 DUs
21 One arm dumbell power snatch
CASH-OUT- Timecap 1:30 min
30 Mts Lungees
Avanzados -Timecap 5:30 min
M:50 lbs
W:35 lbs
For time:
30 DUs
21 One arm shouder to over head
30 DUs
15 One arm shouder to over head
30 DUs
9 One arm shouder to over head
30 DUs
9 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 DUs
15 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 DUs
21 One arm dumbell power snatch
CASH-OUT- Timecap 1:30 min
30 Mts Lungees
Master Rx -Timecap 5:30 min
M:50 lbs
W:35 lbs
For time:
30 DUs
21 One arm shouder to over head
30 DUs
15 One arm shouder to over head
30 DUs
9 One arm shouder to over head
30 DUs
9 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 DUs
15 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 DUs
21 One arm dumbell power snatch
CASH-OUT- Timecap 1:30 min
30 Mts Lungees
ELITE -Timecap 6:30 min
M:50 lbs
W:35 lbs
For time:
30 DUs
21 One arm shouder to over head + Front rack hold
30 DUs
15 One arm shouder to over head + Front rack hold
30 DUs
9 One arm shouder to over head + Front rack hold
30 DUs crossovers
9 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 DUs crossovers
15 One arm dumbell power snatch
30 DUs crossovers
21 One arm dumbell power snatch
CASH-OUT- Timecap 1:30 min
30 Mts Lungees
KIDS (7 a 9 años) - Timecap 6 min
DB: 10/5 lbs
12 "box
For time:
21 Knee raises
10 box jump over the bumpers
15 knee raises
10 box jump over the bumpers
9 knee raises
10 box jump over the bumpers
9 dumbell power snatch
10 box jump over the bumpers
15 dumbell power snatch
10 box jump over the bumpers
21 dumbell power snatch
KIDS (10 a 13años) - Timecap 6 min
DB: 15/10 lbs
14 "box
For time:
21 Knee raises
10 box jump over the bumpers
15 knee raises
10 box jump over the bumpers
9 knee raises
10 box jump over the bumpers
9 dumbell power snatch
10 box jump over the bumpers
15 dumbell power snatch
10 box jump over the bumpers
21 dumbell power snatch
TIMECAP: 7 minutos
Descripción / Variantes
WOD 1 (Burpees)
Novatos - Timecap 9min
Hand release push-up
Facing burpee over the line
5 rounds of:
5 clean and jerk
1 burpee over the bar
5 rounds of:
5 squad (front or back)
1 burpee over the bar
Principiantes & Master scaled - Timecap 10 min
M: 75lbs
W:55 lbs
Pull up (No butterfly)
Facing burpee over the line
5 rounds of:
5 clean and jerk
1 burpee over the bar
5 rounds of:
5 squad (front or back)
1 burpee over the bar
Scaled - Timecap 9 min
M: 95lbs
W:65 lbs
Pull up
Facing burpee over the line
5 rounds of:
5 clean and jerk
1 burpee over the bar
5 rounds of:
5 squad (front or back)
1 burpee over the bar
Intermedio - Timecap 10 min
M: 115lbs
W: 75 lbs
Pull up
Facing burpee over the line
5 rounds of:
5 clean and jerk
1 burpee over the bar
5 rounds of:
5 squad (front or back)
1 burpee over the bar
Avanzados & Master RX - Timecap 10 min
M: 125lbs
W: 85 lbs
Chest to bar pull up
Facing burpee over the line
5 rounds of:
5 clean and jerk
1 burpee over the bar
5 rounds of:
5 squad (front or back)
1 burpee over the bar
Teens - Timecap 9 min
M: 75 lbs
W: 55 lbs
10 Pull up
10 Facing burpee over the line
15 chest to bar
15 Facing burpee over the line
20 bar muscle up
20 Facing burpee over the line
5 rounds of:
5 clean and jerk
1 burpee over the bar
5 rounds of:
5 squad (front or back)
1 burpee over the bar
ELITE - Timecap 10 min
M: 145 lbs
W: 105 lbs
10 Pull up
10 Facing burpee over the line
15 chest to bar
15 Facing burpee over the line
20 bar muscle up
20 Facing burpee over the line
5 rounds of:
5 clean and jerk
1 burpee over the bar
5 rounds of:
5 squad (front or back)
1 burpee over the bar
KIDS (7 a 9 años) - Timecap 9 min
DB: 10/5 lbs
Hand release push up
Facing burpee over the line
5 rounds of:
5 clean and jerk
1 burpee over the bar
5 rounds of:
5 squad (front or back)
1 burpee over the bar
KIDS (10 a 13 años) - Timecap 9 min
45/35 lbs
Pull up
Facing burpee over the line
5 rounds of:
5 clean and jerk
1 burpee over the bar
5 rounds of:
5 squad (front or back)
1 burpee over the bar
TIMECAP: 10 minutos
Descripción / Variantes
Novatos - Timecap 4 min
For time:
25 mts sprint
25 mts bear crawl
25 mts sprint
Principiantes - Teens (13 a 15 años) - Timecap 4 min
For time:
50 mts sprint
50 mts bear crawl
25 mts sprint
Scaled & Master Scaled - Timecap 4 min
For time:
50 mts sprint med ball
50 mts bear crawl
25 mts sprint med ball
Intermedios - Timecap 4 min
DB: 50/35 lbs
For time:
25 mts farmer carry
50 mts sprint med ball
25 mts farmer carry
50 mts sprint med ball
Master Rx - Timecap 4 min
DB: 50/35 lbs
For time:
25 mts farmer carry
50 mts sprint
25 mts farmer carry
50 mts sprint
Avanzados - Teens (16 a 18 años) Timecap 5 min
For time:
50 mts sprint
50 mts hand stand walk
(First 10 meters unbroken)
Elite - Timecap 6 min
Suicide run
A) 5 mts HSW + 2 free HSPU
B) 5 mts HSW + 2 free HSPU
C) 5 mts HSW + 2 free HSPU
25 mts sprint
(Meters unbroken)
KIDS (7 a 9 años)
For time:
A) In a 3 min cap:
300 mts run
Transition 1 min
B) In a 1 min cap:
50 mts sprint
KIDS (10 a 13 años)
For time:
A) In a 3 min cap:
400 mts run
Transition 1 min
B) In a 1 min cap:
50 mts sprint
TIMECAP: 90 minutos
Descripción / Variantes
WOD 3.1
TIMECAP: 15 minutos
Descripción / Variantes
TIMECAP: 10 minutos
Descripción / Variantes
Novatos - Timecap 10 min
Bumper: 25/15 lbs
3 Rounds for time
Round 1:
15 sit ups
15 step over
15 ground to over head
Round 2:
15 sit up
15 step over
12 ground to over head
Round 3:
15 sit up
15 step over
9 ground to over head
KIDS (7 a 9 años) - Timecap 10 min
Bumper: 10/5 lbs
3 Rounds for time
Round 1:
15 sit ups
15 step over
15 ground to over head
Round 2:
15 sit up
15 step over
12 ground to over head
Round 3:
15 sit up
15 step over
9 ground to over head
KIDS (10 a 13 años) - Timecap 10 min
Bumper: 15/10 lbs
3 Rounds for time
Round 1:
15 sit ups
15 step over
15 ground to over head
Round 2:
15 sit up
15 step over
12 ground to over head
Round 3:
15 sit up
15 step over
9 ground to over head
TIMECAP: 12 minutos
Descripción / Variantes
TIMECAP: 8 minutos